Tendering management system


Complete tendering management

Complete tenders of purchasing jobs


The Tendering Management System is able to follow up all processes from calls for the tender to contracting. The competitor has the ability to view all data on the Internet and monitor the procedural processes.


Features of the system

–          The users can reach all information on the Internet after registration (with user name and password)

–          The system is able to manage any numbers of category which are available for the competitor on the Internet

–          Bidders can fill out the form online, via Internet

–          All forms are customizable: unlimited fixed fields, specific fields and defined fields

–          Users get the information immediately without any turnaround time

–          The system is able to manage all processes of the procurement

–          High decision-making support, expert evaluation via Internet

–          Basic formal and data integrity control

–          Automatic generation of messages about missing documents

–          Replacement of any missing document via Internet

–          User friendly surface

–          Help function

–          Tender submission via Internet

Planning forms by categories, features of processes

–          automatic generation of related documents

–          monitoring of the process statuses

–          statistics with DATAMINER Management Information System

–          information flow to the bidders

–          online corresponding

–          the system is able to pass the tender dossier for more experts


The system makes an evaluation chart (even from more tender dossiers) that supports the review process. Administrators have a chance to fill the forms online on behalf of the expert.

If it is necessary help charts can be exported to the Proposing Committee, and their proposals can be recorded directly on the tender dossier.

Specifications can be predefined in the system

All data is protected by the strict eligibility system. Authorized persons can view statements in the system, and provide update information to their organizations.


Optional procurement support solution – DATACONTO Integrated Management System

As DATACONTO is a web-based technology it can be used in Internet and Intranet environment. Remote access and telecommuting are provided by the system. The necessary security can be built up even on software or hardware basis. The integrated modules of the system use a common database that supports single data recording.

Procurement support solutions

Contract registry module

–          uniformly manages supplier and customer database and framework agreements

–          automatically monitors all statuses, deadlines and fulfillments

Inventory module

–          any number and type of stock control

–          record modes of the stock value can be chosen (FIFO, average price or clearing price)

–          support of modern barcode technique

–          monitors inter-stock movements and set reservations

–          automatically generated supplier orders according to the adjusted minimum-maximum stocks. The system takes into consideration the existed volumes and order items. The module makes modifiable proposal and order according to statuses and privilege level

–          monitors the orders from the order request to payments. In this process the system collectively manages the order status (during preparation, sing posted, realized contract, completed or terminated contract)

–          all incoming shipping can be recorded

–          low stock levels can be reached by the interconnection of contracts